Build a "toilet paper" solar system.

Build a model hovercraft – or a real one!

Build a model volcano and know the different types and exactly how they work.

Build a simple electric motor.

Build a spectroscope – it makes rainbows you can study. Use it to identify street lights.

Build a working telescope.

Can plants grow in the wastewater from laundry machines?

Build Squidy, the diving squid and explain how he works.

Experiment with magnets with the Moo Magnet Activity Kit or with the Mega-Magnet Book.

Measure the speed of bubbles in a bubble tube set.

Grow an alligator. Graph weight increase versus length. This site has a book, a bargain, and much more.

Can you decode a supermarket bar code?

Can you tell a person’s sex by pictures of bare feet?

Compare the calories in common foods

Could glow-in-the-dark paint be used for emergency exit sign? Other uses?

Does plant DNA differ from animal DNA?

Does salt affect the boiling point of water?

Does the temperature of the human body vary during the course of the day? Why?

Explore Pascal’s Triangle.

Find probabilities when rolling 2 dice.

How can I make a hygrometer from a human hair?

How does the number of turns of wire affect the strength of an electromagnet?

Identify igneous, sedimentary, metamorphic rocks found in the Black Hills or just here at home.

In a blindfold test, who can distinguish between 1% milk, 2% milk and skim?

Instantly tell if a number can be divided by 2, 3, 4, 5, etc. without a calculator.

Investigate the creation of the Badlands.

Is hand strength related to sidedness?

Is the ratio of our arm span to our height really equal to 1?

Like a chemistry experiment that foams and hisses? Here are some from the Alka-Seltzer site.

Like popcorn? Here are projects from Pop Weaver and Jolly Time.

Make a simple electric generator then find ways to improve it.

Monitor the ionosphere using an am radio.

Collect fossils and explain them.

Plot earthquakes day by day in the USA or around the globe. Explain why they happen.

Report on the South Dakota dinosaur with a heart! What other types of dinosaurs existed here?

Travel to the Black Hills Institute in Hill City and research a dinosaur.

What are the six types of "simple machines"? Can you build one of each?

What colored dyes are found in colored drink mixes and in colored pens?

What is the ideal spout for pouring a liquid?

What percent of an orange is water? Which fruit contains the most water?

Which curdles faster: 1% milk, 2% milk or skim? Why?

Which fabric makes the best parachute? (Control for size and weight of object.)

How does the size of hole in a toy parachute affect its rate of fall?

Which paper towel is strongest? Check your results against the magazine Consumer Reports.

Why do leaves change colors in the fall?

Would a spider web conduct electricity on an electric fence?

How do ants behave?

Put the sky in your room.

Do you have a dominant hand, foot, eye, or ear?

Study human hair.

Which paper airplane flies farthest?

Learn about secret codes and invent your own.

Build a super solar cooker and explain how it works.

Analyze dust and dirt.

Be a drill sergeant to a plant.

Grow crystals or find them.

Identify casts of animal tracks.

Fly a bottle rocket.