Name _____________________________

Science fair grade sheet


(1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10)

students can score a 2.3, 7.6, etc



1.)    DEFINING THE PROBLEM (5%)                                                  total _____


a.)    Is the problem original. creative, and grade level appropriate


b.)   Does the problem have a clear objective


c.)    Is the hypothesis stated and clear?


d.) Did the student pick their own project or was it provided by the teacher?


2.)    PROCEDURE  (20%) (forming and testing the hypothesis)               total _____


a.)    Has the student clearly labeled and identified  all parts of the experimental set-up? (independent and dependent variables, constants, and control)


b.)   Has the student set up an adequate procedure to test the variable? (Including repeated trials)


c.)    Are there any mistakes in the procedure?


d.)   Is the procedure clear? (Are there pictures with captions, is it in an outline form, etc)


e.)    Has the student designed and used the proper equipment in the procedure?


f.)   If this is a group project, did each person contribute to the project?


g.)  Has the student plagiarized any part of the procedure. If the procedure is from another project has it been properly cited?


If an Engineering Project or model


f.)     Does the model work?


g.)    Are the parts of the model clearly labeled?


h.)    Is the model useful?


i.)      Does the model exist?


3.)    DATA AND ANALYSIS (20%)                                                         total ______


a.)    Has the student collected any data? Did the student use proper units (METRIC)


b.)   Has the student organized the data in a table or graph? Does the table include repeated trials and averages?


c.)    Are the table and/or graphs clearly labeled and understandable? Are the tables and graphs numbered and titled?


d.)   Can the student clearly explain what the graph means.


e.)    Has the student developed any mathematical models for the data?


f.)     Has the student used proper units for the data and/or mathematical models


g.) Has the student plagiarized any of the data.


4.)    RESEARCH (introduction)/DISCUSSION (20%)                                                                  total ______       


a.)    Did the student have an introduction or some background information about their project and are their sources cited?


b.) Has the student plagiarized any part of the research/discussion


c.) Does the student exhibit an adequate knowledge about the project?


d.) Has the student researched other approaches to the problem


5.)    CONCLUSIONS (10%)                                                                      total _____


a.)    Has the student presented a logical conclusion that is supported by their experimental procedure and data?


b.)   Is the conclusion clearly identified and understandable?


c.)    Has the student analyzed all parts of the project?


d.)   Does the project have any applications to society?


6.)    ORGANIZATION (10%)                         total _____


a.)    Is the project displayed in an organized manner?


b.)   Are there any spelling mistakes?


c.)    Does the project explain itself?


d.) What is the overall appearance of the project?


e.) Does it appear the student spent enough time on the project?


f.)  Is this the student’s own work?




a.)   Is the student able to clearly discuss all aspects of the project?


b.) Does it appear the student practiced their presentation?


c.) Does the student have good posture and eye contact when presenting?


d.) Can the student answer questions about their project?


e.) Can the student explain their project without reading it from the board?


f.) Can the student give the "big picture" of what their project is about?