The students will be getting judged from 5:00 to 7:00 on Tuesday 2/28. Awards will be at 8:00. All students need to be at their projects at 5:00 and again by 8:00. However, after they have been judged students will be allowed to leave and go eat and then return. NO DRIVING. Most of them should have been judged by 6:00-6:30. In order to leave, students must have a note from a parent saying that is alright for them to leave the science fair and then return. You can just write this on a piece of paper or you can email me. If students do not have a note, they will not be allowed to leave. If you have any questions, please give me an email or a phone call. Thanks Mr. Kuhlman
My child_________________________has permission to leave the science fair after they have been judged. My child will return to the science fair before the awards at 8:00 and will clean up his/her project after the awards
Parent name__________________________________Parent Signature ______________________________