D.) Experimental Setup:
Independent variable: Cornmeal gluten
Dependent variable: grass seed germination and growth of oats
Constants: water, light, time, soil
Control: The half of the tray without cornmeal gluten.
E.) Bibliography
Szerlag, Nancy. Cornmeal gluten herbicide kills sprouting weeds, but is safe around kids. Online. Available http://www.detnews.com/2001/garden/0107/29/e10-247399.htm 10/20/04
Turner, Cara. Discovery Changes Herbicides. Online. Available http://www.gluten.iastate.edu/daily.html 10/20/04
Christians, Nick. Corn-based extracts for weed control. Online. Available
http://www.gcsaa.org/gcm/2001/nov01/11cornbase.html 10/20/04
Ransom, Viveka. Corn Gluten Meal – Byproduct to Wonder Product. Online. Available http://www.gluten.iastate.edu/pdf/iowahort.pdf
Non-toxic herbicides. Online. Available http://www.emilycompost.com/nontoxic_herbicides.htm